Let me preface this by saying that I don't take my writing seriously. I write decently well, but I'm not incredibly gifted in that department. I was an English major who wrote
I love my blog friends because they're insightful and smart in a way that I don't feel I can be. They share things about themselves that I would be too afraid to share, honest in ways that I can't imagine. I talk alot in situations where I'm comfortable, but one of my managers once told me that I keep personal things too close to the vest. I was slightly offended by that; I considered myself a pretty open person, especially when it comes to joking about medication and therapy. But then I realized that people quite frequently say something along the lines of "I didn't know that!" when I reference stories that I consider my basic life facts. Now I'm trying to figure out why exactly I'm not more open; not that I think my being relatively private is a bad thing, but if people aren't aware of basic life facts about me, that's a problem. The regrets post was a HUGE step for me in terms of sharing. Second hindrance: keeping it too close to the vest, though I'm getting better.
I'm also lazy. Putting effort into something so personal is scary. So I don't. Lazy lazy lazy.
So, with all that being said, my biggest hindrance to my writing is fear that it's not good enough. That if I actually tried, if I actually put considerably time, effort, and heart into writing, it wouldn't be enough to get the kind of attention I thought it deserved. Writing purposely for an audience is an entirely different beast than writing things (for fun) that may or may not be read. I love getting comments, getting feedback, and knowing that what I said meant something to someone. I don't love feeling rejected or that my work isn't good enough. So I don't try as hard as I should or want to, because being lazy and scared is comfortable and the anxiety of potential rejection is scary. Fourth and biggest hindrance: Fear.
I think fear hinders a lot of things I don't do and I just hide behind my excuse of "I'm lazy." Hopefully the Reverb 10 prompts will help you get over your fear and you'll realize the world needs to hear your voice.
Wow, It seems I suffer from the same things you do. I actually like the reverb prompts because they seem to improve your writing, and a lot of people's writing because they're so open ended (unlike memes). I think your last couple posts have been some of the best you've done.
I couldn't agree with you more! I think that's why I keep my blog so light-hearted, it makes it a bit easier to just let the words flow as if I were writing in my journal. Though I'm secretly always paranoid of what people think of it. But who isn't? ;)
I have trouble sharing things about myself as well. Especially in writing and especially over the internet -- I'm much more open in person!
I'm a horrible writer when it comes to grammar and spelling but I've come to realize, my writing is better when I don't re-read it over and over. I tend to pick it apart.
I can relate. I was a Journalism major who dropped out precisely because I realized that I didn't want to take writing seriously. I only wanted to use it an as outlet.
I do have this distinct feeling of not wanting to share too much on my blog, since it's open to basically everyone who manages to find it. I think that somehow also influences how and what I write.
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