I'm not making resolutions because I don't and haven't for a long time. I have some things I'd LIKE (or need) to do this year and a list of things that should probably happen, but I won't feel the guilt of breaking "resolutions" if some of them don't happen.
1. I need a job. As of January 1st, I will have been unemployed for 5 months. This is bad for our finances, but honestly, even worse for my mental health. I get nothing done if I don't have anything that absolutely has to be done (like go to work). Initiative, I don't have it.
2. I need to get a comfortable weight. No specific number, just a weight where I can honestly be happy with how I look in pictures and can go shopping without feeling horrible about myself. I have a number to keep me focused but if I get a number above it that just feels right, I'll stop there. I need to be healthy for my husband and myself. I hate being hospitalized; people in my family who didn't take care of themselves (my grandmother) get hospitalized more than the average person and I do NOT want that.
3. I want to get our apartment organized to a point where it stays uncluttered with very little effort. "A place for everything and everything in its place" is one of the items on my 101 in 1001 list. The clutter makes me lazy because I feel like I can't do anything until its done, but I definitely don't want to deal with it.
4. For me to have hated school SO MUCH that I almost flunked out on more than one occasion, I am very much itching to go back to get my masters. But first, I need to retake some undergrad classes thanks to the aforementioned almost flunking out. I have my degree with a GPA above a 3.0, but they really, really need to be retaken to boost my GPA and basic college knowledge. This is why getting a job with AC's school is so important- they pay for 2 classes a year!
5. I need to join the gym and GO. I honestly LOVE going to the gym when I'm in the habit of going... it's just getting into the habit that makes me feel crummy. I wish I could join the one that is like, 6 blocks away from me that focuses on Zumba, because Zumba is AWESOME and I would go every day. But it's $125 dollars a month and I can't justify that. So, I will join the Yale gym at $144 a year (Yale affiliate discount, FTW) and make do. They have classes there, so it'll be good. Not because it will make me skinny, but because it will make me healthy.
6. I want friends. I do! I miss having people to hang out with when AC needs to write a 25 page paper, or I want to see a girly movie that he has no interest in. I'm bad at making friends, though, especially now that I'm in a new city, in a new part of the country 800 miles away from Lexington. My closest friend is 5 hours away.
7. I want to travel. This year we're hoping to hit Boston, New Orleans and Kansas + Colorado/Wyoming/ or Montana- doubtful we'll make it to Copenhagen, but you never know! Especially want to go to New Orleans. AC went to school there and misses it dearly. I've NEVER been, and want to go- not during Mardi Gras (I have an aversion to masses of drunk people), but definitely sometime this year.
8. I want to take pictures every day. I have no designs on EVER becoming a professional photographer, but I do like taking pictures of which I'm proud enough to actually print out and hang up. I just need to work on the "printing out" part...
9. Books! We have alot of books. I have alot of books that I've never read, and a list of books that I want to read. So I'd like to read more. That one is easy. I'll start with the books that I own but have never read, and hopefully get rid of some in the process. Then work on the giant list!
Not resolutions, but things to work toward in the New Year. The New Year that starts on Monday...
Did you make resolutions or just put together some ideas for 2011? Are you making a game plan or just going with the flow?
wow i hear you on the travel issues - it took me 5 days to get home!
i made a list of the 23 things im going to do this coming year :D
i agree, i have to start finishing my books instead of buying new ones. hahah :D
happy new year!
I definitely need to get back into the habit of working out, whether it be at the gym or going to yoga or even working out at home - I've been SO bad about it lately but am convinced to do a better job in the new year.
I also agree with you about making more friends - it's not easy for me either!!
I made my first resolution in a very long time! It's just to challenge myself with photography enough that I can consider it as a possible career path. I'm nowhere near close!
I'm tracking everything I eat online starting today, though. In a height of self-pity and no food from 6 am - 5 pm, plus the beginnings of a cold, I ate three slices of vegan pizza AND made homemade soy ice cream. Yeah, I have self-control. Somewhere. Back in November.
Glad you finally got home! No resolution for me this year. I never seem to follow through with them! Like you, I have some things I'd like to work on this year.
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