I started out with a recipe from WW, ricotta salata, spinach, a couple of spices and a pound of hope.
Actually, I lied. First I put on some wild rice. It seemed like a good thing to have just in case something went terribly wrong (which I was counting on) and when it did, I could throw some frozen shrimp in a pan and call it... dinner. Anyway, I made AC cut up the onion, because it makes me cry. Not normal onion cry, but can't stop crying for a half hour, tears streaming down my face MESS. And AC seems impervious. No tears!
DON'T ADD SALT to any variation of saag paneer using this cheese until you taste it. I'm super sensitive to salt and this dish was way too salty. AC can't taste salt unless there's a pound of it on whatever he's eating; this dish didn't get any salt added to it.
This isn't a hard recipe, but you do have to move rather quickly. Also, make sure you have a big enough pan to wilt your spinach down. I used a normal sized skillet and the spinach that was on the bottom got too cooked cause I didn't have a way to stir it without spilling it all over the place. Live and learn.
So how was it? I'll let the plate speak for itself.
Isn't that always such a good feeling, mastering something you've really messed up before? It looks great!
Good for you! I've tried making Indian too but I always fail. I love the taste of but I just can't master it - plus, I kinda hate how the whole house smells like curry for 3days after.
I love that you made him cut the onions. You can buy them frozen & pre-chopped too. ;)
Oh yum! I totally don't blame you for passing off chopping the onion, it's the worst job in the kitchen.
YUM. You know I love some Indian food. I'm all over this. Recipe?
It looks divine.. yum! Good call with the rice back-up, anything goes well with it, just in case ;)
wow i've never known someone who has a such a bad reaction towards onions. good thing AC's around :)
anyway, you did a great job with this! :D it looks yummy. :)
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