I didn't really blog that much this month (it's been three weeks)... I had two interviews that didn't end in a job offer, the second of which I've spent the last week crying over because I REALLY wanted it. I also didn't really read that much... I'm in a bit of a funk, I guess. But I read 4 books! Most of which were pretty good. I started two that I couldn't get through the conclusions, wasn't feeling it I guess, but it's not really their fault so I'm not including them in the list.
Anyway, when I write my end-of-month reading recaps, I use a 5 star scale because sometimes you need that extra middle star as an anchor. I would highly recommend the 4 and 5 star books and sort of recommend the 3 star books depending on what you like to read. I'd recommend them in this order, even within the same number of stars, I'd rate some better than others. Occasionally I reserve the right to not assign a star value on the basis that some things need to be read no matter the quality of the writing or controversial subject matter.
Save the Deli by David Sax **** Food writing. I started reading this the day after we went to Katz's, actually, so it seemed fitting. It's basically a history of the deli, Kosher and non-Kosher (and the different levels of Kosher, as some are stricter than others) and the problems they face. Well written for the genre and oftentimes amusing, but generally sobering as you realize how close genuine delis are to extinction. A chapter or two lost me a little bit after he left the states and started talking about delis in Canada (bah) but redeemed himself with talking about Paris and the Marais district (one of my favorites). The end of the book is a description of the toll the Holocaust took on Jewish culture and a bright spot among delis at a reopening. Includes a dictionary in the back for us goys and a listing of all the delis he talked about in the book. Albeit slow in parts, overall an excellent read. Hoping to take my parents to one of the NYC ones when they're in town next weekend!
Superfreakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephan J. Dubner *** I wish I could give this 3.5 stars, because it's so, so close to 4 but just isn't quite there. The followup to Freakonomics from a few years ago, the authors use the same writing style as before (which makes me a little crazy) but includes good information about a variety of subjects. My favorite chapter was about the monkeys learning how to use money but all the chapters left me feeling a little bit "so what?"... like they gave me this information but left me hanging without a conclusion and potentially missing the point. Definitely makes you think, though, which I suppose some would argue IS the point but I don't like it. Anyway, worth reading, especially if you have a better grasp of economics than I do (I got a C in econ cause I didn't really pay attention).
Keep the Change by Steve Dublanica *** Cultural studies. A good look at who you should tip and how much, including some little known jobs like movers (which I did know), pet groomers, and casino dealers. Gives a history of tipping and the psychological processes involved when calculating tips. It's really fascinating to hear all the people talk about their jobs in relation to tips and overall the books is very well written but I just couldn't get into it as much as I thought I would. My favorite chapters were about the sex workers (dominatrixes and phone sex operators especially). It's a little slow going at first but picks up speed. His other book, Waiter Rant, was based off his blog that I read for a long time.
How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gates Gill ** Memoir. I wanted to like this book so bad... Even though the author got knocked off his upper middle class high horse, he still managed to hold on to that entitled attitude that is so prevalent in men of a certain age and job status. It also seems like he was trying SO hard to prove that he was important before the fall- the name dropping was obnoxious and so many of the anecdotes were clearly in there just to prove how important his family was and to prove just how much he didn't belong among the little people working at Starbucks. The book reeked of corporate pandering to said company, probably so they'd let him write the book but it was distracting to the point that I wasn't sure if I was reading an investor handbook or a memoir. The brightest point in this book was how spot on the description of coworker relationships in a retail environment, the excellent and the bad and sometimes messy camaraderie that occurs in the retail world.
What did you read this month? Anything you'd suggest?
I am intrigued by all the books you read! I might have to look into Keep the Change. I'm always curious about how to tip movers, tour guides...etc. :/
Girl, I'm in the same boat, yet I have had any interviews. :( Sucks.
I need to get my read on! Keep the Change sounds like a must read. I'm oblivious.
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