Can we talk about trigger foods for a minute? Because this week was bad news for me and one of my biggest trigger foods. I still lost on the scale this week thanks to several walks with AC, lots of water, and walking to work but this was not a victory. At the very least it was a very shallow one, because I could not get a grip on how many of these I was eating:
In case you live on the moon (and if you live on the moon, I'm glad you have internet there) or don't know what a trigger food is, a trigger food is something that you basically lose control of your self-restraint and triggers you to overeat or binge. One, two, six, or ten bites will never be enough.
Most people have one, some people have several. AC's biggest trigger food are saltines, bridesmaid R's is ice cream, friend SM's is any potato chip in existence and mine... well, I have several, including but not limited to: chocolate chips, Reese's holiday shapes, marshmallows (yes, seriously), McDonald's double cheeseburgers, Chick-fil-a, Pringles and Nutella.
Y'all, I ate almost a POUND of Nestle Semi-sweet chocolate chips in the last week. That is not okay. I normally don't even keep them in the house because they are a trigger food, but I made AC's coworkers cookies last week and they were sold in either tiny or huge bags at Stop and Shop. I knew, I KNEW going to checkout that the big bag was going to cause me problems, that I wouldn't be "happy" until they were all gone. I knew that even though it was more expensive, I should have bought two of the smaller bags to make up how many cups of chocolate chips I needed for the recipe. I knew all of that and yet because buying two of the smaller bags would have been more expensive per ounce, I bought the big bag.
I was okay for a few days, honestly, and then I got into them for a treat one night. And the next, and the next... and then I was doubling that portion, maybe sneaking a couple that I didn't put on the food scale. I can't only partially blame it on being on sugar pills this week, because while that's a "GIVE ME CHOCOLATE" week and my resolve was certainly weakened, I know better. I know better because I did the EXACT SAME THING LAST MONTH. So, from now on, there's a new rule in my house: once I am done baking whatever it is I'm baking, AC is going to hide the bag. I tried hiding it from myself in the freezer, but have you ever have a frozen chocolate chip? They're even better than at room temperature. The obvious solution would just be to not bake at all, but people like baked goods and they are honestly not a trigger food for me. I can have a bite of cookie dough and be okay. Satisfied. I might like to eat the whole thing, but I don't feel that unstoppable compulsion to finish it off. I like baking and it's not a problem for me. No reason not to do it. I'm going to have to work on my self-control when it comes to chocolate chips, though.
What are your trigger foods? How do you combat the urge to eat all of them?
I can't even buy them anymore, unless they are for a recipe. Especially working for a company that makes confections and knowing that I can get them UBER cheap at the company store any time I want to ... and I have, just because.
I try not to buy trouble foods (ice cream sandwiches, microwave popcorn, BBQ chips), but it's not always easy, since my husband loves them and I hate punishing him for my weakness.
Oh, I know how you feel! I'm that same way with ice cream. I love it, and I never get sick of it! It is bad, bad, bad if I have some in the house!
Ummm.. so these are also my trigger foods and now that I am pregnant you have me craving them!!!
My mom and my sister have the same addiction to these semi-sweet morsels. They have better self control though and can actually buy a Sams Club size bag and it lasts them about 6 months. We actually measured out what 1 serving was so we could count the calories thinking that would deter us. Oh no we just ate half the bag while doing the counting!
They're def. a thing for me too. When I'm serious about my weight I also make sure it's not in the house. But if I HAVE to have it for some reason I make sure someone else carries it out somehow. Make cookies for the hubs office? Make a gift jar of cookie recipe. Melt it down & make candies for your own office, do something - anything with it!
Garlic Triscuits are prob. my worst. I can seriously eat a whole box in the course of a good movie. I try to make sure I don't have them but last summer my friend wanted a special dish I make with them, so I bought them, made the dip & crackers and made sure my friend left the house with the rest of the box.
I like the idea of A hiding it too. Saves $$ just make sure he doesn't forget so you don't get bugs! LOL :)
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