I handmade alot of stuff this year. Lots of crafty stuff for our wedding: save the dates, our guestbook, our flowergirl wands, covered our escort table books, wrapped all our invites in lace; I made a million paper snowflakes, a Christmas tree made out of lights, and snowflake garland for Christmas decorating; I've made lots of dinners since AC and I have been married (cause AC likes to mix everything together like gumbo). I started recovering chairs from Goodwill (they're not done yet because I'm lazy). I made an awesome (in my opinion) an awesome shelf. I made alot of cakes, cookies, and brownies. I made or have plans to make alot of things I haven't shared with you yet: lampshades, aprons, brooch holders are all going to be up here eventually!
I made alot of "to-do" lists. My lists are relatively old school. They're all in notebooks picked up from the discard pile of BCB. Spiral bound, black notebooks that smelled a little funny at first. Usually written in Sharpie or marker, sometimes crossed out in pen or crayon. Wedding to do lists, lists for moving, lists for things we needed in the apartment. Throwing these lists away makes me a little sad, because while I feel like I haven't accomplished much, those lists say otherwise, no matter how small the action.
I made alot of trips! To Paris, to Atlanta, to New York City, to Watertown, New York. And Lexington, and New Haven (for our scouting trip). Multiple day trips to Greenwich. Lots of travel, which I don't mind as long as it doesn't involved long car trips. Also, I made alot of trips to Lowes, Home Depot, Michaels, and Joanne's.
I made alot of decisions. February 4th, I made the decision to marry AC; August 7th, I made it legal. Best decision I've ever made. In July, I made the decision to not transfer stores in the BCB and start over somewhere new- new is still to be determined since I'm still unemployed. AC and I made the decision to come to New Haven, then the decision for me to not take a job offered to me (I still don't regret that). I decided to start taking better care of myself starting Oct 25- had a few false starts but I'm determined to do better. I made the decision that regrets aren't all bad and shared them with you a couple weeks ago.
That's what I made.
Know what I want to make? Friends. More friends. Both blog friends and real life. I want people I can call, depend on, and share things with. I've felt a little let down lately in that department, and it makes me a little sad. Now taking applications! I want people to hang out with here in New Haven when AC is writing 100 pages worth of term papers like he will be this week- to take silly classes with, to go shopping with, go to the movies with, to help get me into all kinds of trouble that is no fun by myself, and just to laugh with. I HAVE great friends, absolutely fantastic, and I want to make THOSE friendships stronger. I want a web of people who I have great friendships with and on whom I can depend.
Oh. My. Gosh. I completely know what you mean in the friends department. Moving to a new state where the only person you know is your spouse is ridiculously tough. Too bad you're not in South FL or I'm not in New Haven because I'd take silly classes, go shopping, etc with you.
This has been my favorite reverb post so far, like, out of all the days and all the people. So thanks for that :)
you sound like a very crafty person with all the stuff you made. I always wanted to travel, hoping I can someday. I will totally be your online buddy!
K, you've made some wonderful and important things this year! I know that if we lived closer, we'd be fast friends (in real life, that is). If you're ever in Miami, well, you know. :o)
i'm happy to take our beehive buddyness offline... 'cause you know whenever you're in NYC you can look me up. and i would totally love to come to New Haven just to get out of the city! now that you're super close. plus, you will need to teach me how to make these amazing flowergirl wands. i just need to make one - that's an easy request right? hee hee.... and you can give me blogging tips!
Love your take on this post. And my, you are so crafty!!
Aw man, I wish we lived closer, I'd totally hang out. We're about 1.5hrs away from New Haven.
Do you guys venture into So.CT a lot? We've actually been thinking about moving to Stamford or Greenwich - just starting to dip our toes into the real estate. Houses around here start at like $600k (the decent ones anyway) and taxes in Westchester Co. are rediculous!!
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